Sunday, April 1, 2012


Surrealism...the only form of imagery that makes me actually see anything when I read it.  Why does no one else like it?  I get that its a little odd at first to read, but it makes everything much more lively to describe.  Think about it from the authors point of view; would you rather describe something in plain detail, or make everything about it pop and be fascinating?  When someone looks at surrealist paintings or drawings, possibly even sculptures, it makes them think.  It makes them decide what exactly is being represented.  That is the quality I find enjoyable about surrealism.  The reader or the viewer has complete control over how they see the object in its surrealist state.


So I should've written this post a couple of weeks ago, but I was slacking.  One of the flaws I'll admit to having is procrastination.  But, for sake of brevity I won't talk about that (or maybe I'm just procrastinating that as well...?).  Yehuda Amichai was born in Germany during a time when it was far from beneficial to be Jewish.  However, when I was doing research, I was surprised to learn that Germany had a program at first to deport the majority of the Jewish population to Israel.  Amichai's parents took this ticket and went. His upbringing during multiple times of strife shaped his poetry into a love for an ideal represented by his city, Jerusalem.  Jerusalem means many things to many people and has changed "hands" plenty of times over the course of history.  Its interesting that the city itself was, over time, split into many areas so the different people claiming it could coexist in a faux-peace. It is a beautiful place, yet, it has caused more death than what it is worth.